Our film is social realism
--Urban setting
--Real stories
—focusing in minor heroic acts and revelations and also self discovery that happen in every day life a good example of this would be Ken loach’s Looking for Eric.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLEd3f1PGG0
--Relatable mostly portraying the working class and economic downfall e.g the depression
--Relatable setting--Usually not well known actors --On set filming
We used many conventions of Social Realism in our piece.
Example---(one of the main ones) an urban setting and naturalistic lighting.
This is present in Happy-Go-Lucky

Also in Trainspotting

These are two famous examples of social realism.
We wanted a location that people would recognise, so that they could relate to the surroundings as well as the characters. This is why we used Brighton, people can relate to it because of the burnt down pier as it is a very recognisable setting due to the history. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2894981.stm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QueIsd22MOk
Plus filming on location meant that we got naturalistic lighting and colours. This developed our idea of social realism, as shooting on location turned out to be a difficult task, this was mainly due to continuity of the people in the background. Also though the people in the background added to the realism of the film.
Our film was done under the influence of these directors
Mike Liegh
Andrea Arnold
Shane meadows
Helen Fielding
Ken Loach
One of the main ones was Jim Field Smith, This is the director of Goodbye To The Normals
http://www.bbc.co.uk/filmnetwork/films/p004tdm8 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Field_Smith
We noticed that the story-line was never over complicated and a lot depended on the shoots used. This is what we decided to create with ours, a simple and shot effective piece. Also it contained subtle comical moments of natural speech that would happen in everyday life. Peoples general conversations can contain comical moments and also can be extremely cheesy at times. We wanted our film to replicate some of these qualities. Also another convention we wanted to cover was the main story line of the divorce and the family break-up through the eyes of a minor.
In goodbye to the Normals it was mainly about the shot reverse shot between the characters.
In ours we have a shot reverse shot--- show a discussion between the characters and their relationship.
In ours we do have a voice over and no actual speech until the end when Roy says goodbye----it is different in Goodbye to the Normals and they use diagetic sound.
We wanted naturalistic speech in ours as most social realism films do, so we asked Sam to say some things for the voice over and gave him the rough idea of what we needed in it.This meant we have slight stumbling and also naturalistic laughter, this adds to the realistic conventions of the film.
Our film is also a lot like Stephen Daldrys eight. A boy as the main character of the film who is talking about his father directly to the audience throughout the production.
Jonathan is also from a working class background, much like Sam in our film Chips, The way we got the audience to connect with Sam was the use of extream close up. This is to intensify the seriousness of the film narrative and also so the audience can really connect to Sam on an emotional level.
We thought this added a creative touch, as it was a convention of social realism that was saw a lot.
One example would be Wasp (2003) by Andrea Arnold, theyused an extreme close-up to emphasis a conversation between Natalie Press and Danny Dyer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN6BSVl1zQY

We wanted to make the audience really relate to Sam, so the use of just having his voice on his shots, and the use of close up really helped to achieve this. Cutting from a distance and getting closer as the speech got deeper, meant the audience has real sympathy and understanding for him.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7A-kN70gXU&feature=related (1:33-1:55)
In our piece we included some original work by adding in the non-diagetic sound track, we noticed in most social realism films the sound is mainly diagetic.
We thought it made our piece slightly original. We used an acoustic guitar to add rawness to the sound, and recorded it through a Dictaphone, which meant it added a realism essence to the track. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7A-kN70gXU (3:41)

It has a creative touch, because we added in a non-diagetic sound-track at the end for an emotional and effective ending.
For our Mise en scene we used a naturalistic social realism setting of a seafront and a bench (Brighton). Also it is extremely recognisable and relatable in a social realistic context as most people have heard about Brighton or been there.
We used it in a creative way as we wanted visually stunning shots, like the one we have of the pier and our lead Sam throwing stones into the water. (0.33)
http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=276450286849(The pier is silhouetted in the background and has created a beautiful scene).
Our film also covers the everyday there of social realism as Sam’s Grandad is on the beach eating chips and reading a book. In social realism a propionate part of the films, the way people just get on with daily routines. The way we contrasted the straight cuts for the daily routine and the cross dissolves for Sam also worked in representing how even though all these hard times are around us we power on and carry on as normal.
The Narrative of our film
Most films follow this structure
A calm beginning with and establishing shot and an intro to the characters Then a build up to the main plot line
The pinnacle moment ‘The Climax’
Then the resolution which tends to favour the main protagonist of the film. ‘The so called Happily Ever After Moment’
A man called Todorov came up with this…
It shows the main

We as a group wanted to challenge this, as our film does not coincide with this theory, We do maintain an establishing shot, and also we introduce the main character. However we do not have a dramatic climax as the main cause of distress to the character is maintained throughout the entire film. (The broken down family and the fact that he doesn’t see his dad anymore)We did use restricted narration in our film as well because you are introduced to one character but not The Grandad until later, you just see short random episodes of him throughout the beginning. Also the restricted narration helps emphasis the isolation we wanted around Sam our main character, he is the main drive of the film so we really needed the audience to make a connection. This is when we thought the restricted narratio0n worked, the audience don’t know the character of Sam’s grandad and therefore can’t become emotionally attached to him like they are with Sam.
We noticed that a lot of Social realism films go against this pattern as well because in everyday life for an average person you don’t come across things like
Armed gun races through the middle of down
Being stuck inside some super intelligent parallel world e.g. The Matrix
And often in life you don’t always get that fairy tale happily ever after ending that everyone lusts over.
We thought best not to use Todorov’s theory as in life there is no clear begging middle and end, you just have to live each day as it comes.
Representation of our characters
Our main character is a hooded youth. In modern life the main stereotype would be knife and hooded gang violence.
We go against this public steriotype by
Talking about emotions
Playing a video game on his own
Dealing with hard-hitting issues.
I feel we have accomplished this well as instead of fearing Sam you have empathy towards him, you really connect with him on an emotional level.
We make the film a 12A due to one use of an expletive “Shit” also as it deals with hard hitting life issues that may cause some distress to a younger audience. I do still stand by that our audience is aimed more at the Tweenie market, but I you can still get enjoyment from it if you are of a different generation.
We do cover the topic of broken mararage in our piece, however in modern times it has become more socially acceptable for a child to have a step parent of even if a child is living in a single parent house hold, so we are dealing with widley known issues. We do slightly put a bad representation of the situation, the fact he doesn’t see his father. However we do maintain a strong sense of family bond when he comes into contact with his grandad, who is proud of him and always there if he needs someone to talk to.
Our location was a typical British seaside,
Stones on the beach
Slight overcast in the sky.
Pier in the backgroundI do feel that we used our location to the best of our ability, mainly with the begging and end shots, especially with the seagulls and the beach.
Untied laces (shows his youth, and how he can’t fully take care of himself)
Tracksuit bottoms (Assosiated with working class, high street, and not expensive)
Backpack (Shows youth and education)
Hoodie (Peers clothing and representation of his culture)
As a whole I would say our film was creative, dealing with the hard-hitting subject matter, and maintained slight comical aspects. With the transitions I would say our film could have been more creative, however the ones we used did create the effect we wanted. Also as a whole I would say our film maintains the social realism aspects well, this is mainly due to our extensive research and constanly using audience feedback.